Shah Rukh Khan returned to the big screen with his much-awaited film Pathaan in a full-fledged role after four years. While fans from across the nation thronged into the theatres to catch the early morning show of the film, a few shows of Pathaan were cancelled in Indore, Madhya Pradesh on Wednesday. According to the news agency PTI, it happened after local political organisations protested against the film. Also read: Pathaan movie review: Shah Rukh Khan’s comeback film is high on action
Ahead of its release, Pathaan was mired in controversy due to its song Besharam Rang as many, including politicians, criticised the song for ‘hurting religious sentiments’. PTI has now reported that activists of the Hindu Jagran Manch protested at Indore’s Sapna-Sangeeta cinema hall with saffron flags as the film released on Wednesday. As per eyewitnesses, a few protestors reportedly entered the theatre premises and asked the audience to move out, citing they would not allow the movie to be screened.
Meanwhile, Bajrang Dal activists also protested against Pathaan’s screening at Kastur cinema hall of the city. Reportedly, they chanted slogans against Shah Rukh Khan. Soon after, police were deployed at both theatres.
PTI quoted Assistant Commissioner of Police Dishesh Agrawal as saying, “Activists of the Hindu Jagran Manch and Bajrang Dal have been protesting against the film Pathaan. Hence, some of its morning shows were cancelled.” When asked about further shows of Pathaan, he added that an appropriate decision will be taken considering the law and order situation.
Earlier, many raised questions about Besharam Rang, which features Shah Rukh and Deepika romancing in Spain. In the song, Deepika’s outfits, including her saffron swimsuit, were criticised by a section of people. Later, the film was passed by The Central Board of Film Certification with several cuts. Directed by Siddharth Anand, the film also has John Abraham.
Recently, PM Narendra Modi warned BJP party workers against unnecessary remarks on irrelevant issues such as movies during the party’s recent meeting. He did not name any film, in particular.
(With inputs from PTI)
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