Ahaan Panday apparently chose the perfect song for his sister Alanna Panday’s wedding. On Thursday, a video emerged on social media which showed Ahaan dancing to ‘I’m the best’ from Shah Rukh Khan’s movie Yes Boss and in attendance was none other than Shah Rukh Khan himself. (Also read: Ananya Panday dances to Saat Samundar Paar as cousin Alanna Panday marries Ivor McCray. Watch)
In the video, Ahaan is seen with his dance partner Karan Mehta. The two dance to the song in a courtyard, wearing white pants, black pants and bowties. They are surrounded by friends and family and even Shah Rukh Khan can be seen among them, along with wife Gauri Khan. Shah Rukh appears to be wearing a black outfit with Gauri in a green one. While the video is quite blurry, we could make out that the actor was smiling at the boys’ performance.
Check out the video:
Here is another angle:
The paparazzi could not spot Shah Rukh entering the venue. Lately, Shah Rukh has been moving around Mumbai stealthily, avoiding paparazzi at all costs. His car’s backseat is usually covered with dark curtains so no one can get a look.
Alanna tied the knot with Ivor McCray in Mumbai on Thursday. Ivor and Alanna dated for quite many years before they decided on tying the knot. They have a YouTube channel together and live in Los Angeles, USA. They also have a great number of followers on Instagram and keep making videos to keep their fans in the loop and entertained.
Before the wedding festivities, the Pandays posed for the paparazzi outside the wedding venue. Cousin Ananya Panday opted for a pastel blue and white embroidered saree while her mother Bhavna went for a beautiful gold embellished saree. Her dad Chunky Panday looked dapper in a green and gold kurta-pyjama. Ivor made a dashing entry on a ‘ghodi’ and his friends dancing as a part of the ‘baraat’. Dressed in a beautiful ivory lehenga, Alanna looked like the happiest bride. Ivor also looked exquisitely handsome in a ‘sherwani’ that matched with Alanna’s lehenga.
Shah Rukh has close relationship with the Pandays since the beginning of his career. He and Gauri have been close friends with Chunky Bhavana, Chikki and Deanne.
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