Shah Rukh Khan dances with Gauri Khan at Alanna Panday’s wedding in unseen video. Watch
Alanna Panday married Ivor McCray on Thursday in the presence of family and friends in Mumbai. Many celebs such as actor Shah Rukh Khan and interior designer Gauri Khan attended the wedding of Alanna, who is the daughter of Chunky Panday’s brother Chikki Panday and wife Deanne Panday. In a video from the celebrations, Shah Rukh and Gauri are seen with Deanne on the dance floor. The three danced together to an AP Dhillon song. Also read: Shah Rukh Khan smiles as Ahaan Panday, Karan Mehta dance to his song at Alanna’s wedding. Watch
Shah Rukh, who wore a black suit with white shirt, held Gauri Khan’s hand as they came to dance with Deanne, who was dressed in a golden gown. Gauri was decked up in a green outfit for Alanna Panday and Ivor McCray’s wedding, which took place on Thursday. Shah Rukh and Gauri danced to AP Dhillon’s Dil Nu with Deanne. The three also held hands and danced in a circle at one point. Ananya Panday, and others were also seen dancing in the background. Earlier, a video of Shah Rukh and Gauri watching Alanna’s brother Ahaan Panday and Karan Mehta dance to his song I’m the Best from his 1997 movie Yes Boss was also shared online.
Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan are friends with Alanna’s parents Chikki and Deanne Panday as well as her uncle, actor Chunky Panday, and wife and reality TV personality Bhavana Pandey. Earlier, Gauri and Shah Rukh’s daughter Suhana Khan was spotted at Alanna’s pre-wedding festivities in Mumbai. Suhana, who will be making her acting debut with The Archies this year, had worn a shimmery saree for the event.
Alanna and Ivor married on March 16 in the presence of family and friends in Mumbai. Actors Kim Sharma, Sonakshi Sinha, Shibani Dandekar, VJ Anusha Dandekar, Salman Khan’s sister Alvira Khan and husband-filmmaker Atul Agnihotri, among many others attended the wedding. Shanaya Kapoor, Neelam Kothari and Maheep Kapoor were also spotted in Alanna’s wedding videos and photos that have been circulating on social media. On Friday, Alanna, who is a model and social media influencer, shared photos of her dressed in a white lehenga from her wedding with Ivor, a US-based photographer and videographer
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