Actor Shah Rukh Khan stepped out in Mumbai with his wife, Gauri Khan, to launch her coffee table book My Life in Design. The book features exclusive photos of the family, including Shah Rukh, Gauri and their three children, Aryan Khan, Suhana Khan and AbRam Khan, their famous abode in Bandra called Mannat, and more. For the occasion, Gauri and SRK twinned in elegant black outfits, proving they will always be the OG power couple. Scroll through to see pictures and videos from the book launch event.
Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan at her book launch event
On Monday, the paparazzi clicked Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan at her book launch event in Mumbai. The couple interacted with the media and shared fun facts during the affair. Several videos made it to social media where Shah Rukh talks about Gauri’s busy lifestyle, how the family always gets together for dinner, and more. The couple twinned in black ensembles. While Shah Rukh chose a black suit and white shirt, Gauri complemented him in a midi dress. Check out the snippets from the book launch below.
Gauri Khan chose a black midi dress for her book launch event. It features a plunging bateau neckline, an overlapped criss-cross design on the torso, half-length sleeves, a tiered ruffle design, an asymmetrical hemline, and a figure-hugging silhouette accentuating her curves.
Gauri accessorised the ensemble with a shimmery choker necklace, matching bracelet, earrings, rings, and embellished peep-toe high heels.
Lastly, she chose side-parted open wavy locks, darkened brows, kohl-lined eyes, winged eyeliner, mauve lip shade, subtle shimmery eye shadow, mascara on the lashes, rouged cheekbones, and a dewy base for the glam picks.
Meanwhile, Shah Rukh complemented his wife in a black notch lapel blazer featuring long sleeves, an open front, padded shoulders and a tailored silhouette. He wore it with a crisp classic white button-down shirt, black straight-leg pants, dress shoes, a trimmed beard, and a back-swept messy hairdo.
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