The date of Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt’s wedding is drawing closer. And with each passing day, leaks and family sources are revealing more about the much-anticipated Bollywood shaadi. On Sunday, Alia’s half-brother Rahul Bhatt revealed that the wedding will only be attended by close family with a minimal guest list. Additionally, he also revealed the family’s rather unusual demand from the security agency regarding the bouncers needed for the wedding. Also read: Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt wedding: RK Studios gleams with lights. Watch
Alia’s uncle Robin Bhatt had recently confirmed that she will get married to Ranbir at his home on April 14. Robin also said that there is a mehendi ceremony scheduled a day before. Like most Bollywood weddings, there is an air of secrecy around this one too. The family has not still spoken about it in public or acknowledged it, barring the odd statement from Rahul or Bobby. Rahul is Mahesh Bhatt’s son with his first wife Kiran Bhatt. Actor Pooja Bhatt is his sister. Alia and Shaheen Bhatt are Mahesh’s daughters with his second wife actor Soni Razdan.
Speaking to India Today, Rahul said that only 28 guests would attend the wedding and the guest list comprised largely of family members. The report also stated that Rahul informed that the wedding party ‘will take a bus to Chembur with security all around it’. Chembur is where Ranbir’s house Vastu is situated. It is the venue for the wedding.
In a separate interaction with, Rahul spoke about the security arrangements being done for the wedding. “Yusuf Bhai has taken over the security of Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor’s wedding. He has Mumbai’s best security force – 9/11 agency. He has been hired for the same. Around 200 bouncers have been called from this agency. Ten boys from my team will also be sent. “They wanted that the personality of the guards should be good and that everyone looks impressive. They must be diplomatic, speak English, be polite and non-smokers,” he said.
The fitness instructor added, “Guards will be deployed at both RK Studio and Vastu in Chembur. Countermeasures of drones have also been taken. Roving patrol officers will be kept with every guest. Strong planning has been done regarding security. I will also look after the security and fulfill the duty of a brother.”
Meanwhile, paparazzi videos from outside Vastu on Monday showed that as part of the wedding arrangements, curtains, and cloth screens have started going up at the venue, in a bid to deter photographers from sneaking pictures of the ceremony.
Alia and Ranbir started dating during the filming for Ayan Mukerji’s Brahmastra in 2017. They recently wrapped the filming after shooting a sequence in Varanasi. The first part of the trilogy, which also stars Amitabh Bachchan, Nagarjuna Akkineni, and Mouni Roy, is due for a release on September 9, 2022.
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