Sebi issues demand notices to BSE, NSE in Karvy case
In an order on April 12, Sebi had slapped a penalty of Rs 3 crore on BSE and Rs 2 crore on NSE for “laxity” on their part in detecting misuse of clients’ securities by KSBL.
The matter relates to KSBL misutilising client securities worth Rs 2,300 crore, belonging to more than 95,000 clients, by pledging them from just one demat account. The funds raised against the pledge were used by KSBL for itself and its group entities.
KSBL and its group entities utilised this money for raising Rs 851.43 crore from eight banks/NBFCs.
In two separate notices, Sebi directed BSE and NSE to pay Rs 3.09 crore and Rs 2.06 crore respectively, along with further interest, all cost, charges and expenses within 15 days.
These amounts include penalty, interest from April 12 till date and recovery cost.
In the event of non-payment of dues, the markets regulator will recover the amount by attaching and selling the exchanges’ moveable and immoveable properties. Besides, the bourses face attachment of their bank accounts.
Also, the regulator takes the route of arrest and detention in prison to recover the amount.
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