Actor Sara Ali Khan recently travelled to Madhya Pradesh and visited several temples in Ujjain and Indore. Taking to her Instagram Stories, Sara shared videos as she offered prayers at the Kal Bhairav Temple and Mahakaleshwar Temple (Ujjain) and Khajrana Ganesh Temple (Indore) to seek blessings. The actor posted a bunch of pictures on her Instagram Stories from the two cities. For the visit, Sara opted for ethnic outfits. (Also Read | As Adipurush fades at box office, Vicky Kaushal and Sara Ali Khan’s Zara Hatke Zara Bachke starts to pick up again)
Sara Ali Khan in Ujjain
In a clip shared online, Sara was seen wearing a pink saree as she visited the Mahakaleshwar Temple. Inside the temple premises, the actor sat with her eyes closed and lost herself in the music. She also folded her hands as she offered prayers and also performed a few rituals. The actor also interacted with a fan. A woman called her and she said, “Jai Mahakal. Kaese ho aap (How are you)?” When the fan congratulated her, she replied, “Dhanyawaad (Thank you)” with a smile.
Sara shared a picture of herself on Instagram as she stood outside the temple and looked away from the camera. She wrote, “Peaceful in the day.” The actor geo-tagged the location as Mahakaleshwar Jyotirlinga. She added the song Namo Namo from her film Kedarnath as the background music. She shared another photo of herself at night from inside the temple premises. Sara wrote, “Jai Bholenath. Mesmerising at night…a day well spent.” The actor shared a picture of herself sitting inside a temple with another woman. She simply geo-tagged the location as Kal Bhairav, Ujjain.
Sara Ali Khan in Indore
Sara also took to her Instagram Stories and shared pictures of offering prayers at the Khajrana Ganesh temple. On Saturday, she posted a photo of herself along with several other people and wrote, “Somya ki ghar vapsi (Somya returns) in Indore.” She geo-tagged the location as Khajrana Ganesh Mandir, Indore. For the visit, Sara opted for a white suit. The actor’s sacred visit comes at a time when their film Zara Hatke Zara Bachke is performing well at the box office. The film also starred Vicky Kaushal alongside Sara. She had also visited Mumbai’s famous Siddhivinayak Temple, earlier.
Sara’s films so far
Sara made her Bollywood debut opposite the late Sushant Singh Rajput in Kedarnath, which was released in 2018. She later featured in films such as Simmba, Love Aaj Kal 2, Coolie No 1, Atrangi Re and Gaslight. She was recently seen with Vicky Kaushal in Zara Hatke Zara Bachke, which did decent business at the box office.
Sara’s upcoming movies
Sara’s upcoming projects include Anurag Basu’s Metro In Dino. Billed as an anthology, the film also features Aditya Roy Kapur, Konkona Sen Sharma, Pankaj Tripathi, Fatima Sana Shaikh, Anupam Kher, Ali Fazal and Neena Gupta in the lead roles. She also has Ae Watan Mere Watan in the pipeline. Directed by Kannan Iyer and written jointly by Darab Farooqui and Kannan, the film will be available on Prime Videos.
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