Samsung hosted its first Galaxy Unpacked event of the year on February 1. The South Korean tech giant unveiled multiple products at the event, including its flagship Galaxy S23 series which included the base Galaxy S23, Galaxy S23+ and the high-end Galaxy S23 Ultra models. Ever since, the company has been reported to be working on a host of newer handsets that are expected to launch later in the year. Many reports suggest that Samsung will introduce a new batch of products during a second Galaxy Unpacked event, most likely to be held in the second half of the year. A new report suggests the probable timeline of the event.
According to a SamMobile report, the second Samsung Galaxy Unpacked event could be held in the last week of July, specifically between July 25 – July 27. Usually, Samsung hosts this second leg of the Unpacked event sometime in August each year. However, if the new report proves to be true, it would only mean that the event will be pushed forward by a couple of weeks than its usual timeline.
This report follows a leak that suggests that the Galaxy Z Fold 5 and Galaxy Z Flip 5 foldable smartphones, speculated to debut at the second Galaxy Unpacked event, will launch in July instead of the previously assumed late August timeline. The leak added that Samsung Electronics will reportedly start mass production of foldable phone hinges within the first few days of June, as opposed to starting the production later in the month, as previously done.
Notably, a perceived competitor of the Galaxy Z Fold 5, the Pixel Fold, Google’s first-ever foldable smartphone, is expected to be introduced at the Google I/O event on May 10. This is said to be the reason for Samsung moving its second Unpacked event forward. Reportedly, the foldable will be immediately available for pre-order on the Google Store, with a likely shipping date of June 27. Other carriers will likely open their pre-booking for the device on May 30 and Google is expected to offer a free Pixel Watch to all customers who pre-order the phone.
Samsung is also expected to unveil its Galaxy Watch 6 series, with considerable improvements over its predecessor. We can also expect the Galaxy Tab S9 series to be launched at the second Galaxy Unpacked event as well. The Galaxy Tab S9 series is expected to include the base Galaxy Tab S9, the Galaxy Tab S9+, and the high-end Galaxy Tab S9 Ultra.
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