Samsung Galaxy A52s 5G has reportedly started getting the Android 12 update in India and European countries. The update is said to bring One UI 4.0 — the latest custom skin by the South Korean company — along with the January 2022 Android security patch to the Galaxy A-series handset. The Android 12 update comes with firmware version A528BXXU1BUL7. The company has already rolled out the security update for devices including Galaxy S20 Series, Galaxy Note 20 Series, and Galaxy Z Fold 2. Samsung unveiled Galaxy A52s 5G in India in September last year.
As per a report by SamMobile, One UI 4.0 update based on Android 12 for Samsung Galaxy A52s 5G is currently rolling out in India and European countries including France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Poland, Romania, Spain, and Switzerland It is said to have a size of 2.2GB. As mentioned, the update reportedly comes with firmware version A528BXXU1BUL7 and brings the January Android security patch to Galaxy A52s 5G handsets in the above–mentioned regions.
The update brings some of the core Android 12 features alongside the list of upgrades under One UI 4.0. It includes an enhanced picture-in-picture feature that allows users to watch videos while checking something else on the phone. Further, the Samsung Galaxy A52s 5G update reportedly add improved edge panels, easy access to pop-up window options, and upgrades to the search option in the file manager and message app in the Samsung device.
Eligible Samsung Galaxy A52s 5G handsets will receive the latest update automatically. Users can also manually check for the update by heading to Settings > Software update > Download and install. It is recommended to update smartphones while they are connected to a strong Wi-Fi network and put on charging.
Samsung Galaxy A52s 5G was launched in India in September last year with a price tag of Rs. 35,999 for the 6GB RAM + 128GB storage variant. The high-end model with 8GB + 128GB storage costs Rs. 37,499.
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