Samantha Ruth Prabhu is having a blast during her Bali vacation with friend Anusha Swamy. On Sunday, Samantha shared several memorable moments with her fans from her time in Bali by giving them a peek into how she was chilling by the beach, having yummy food, sightseeing and listening to live music. Also read: Fans say Samantha Ruth Prabhu’s dance in new video is basically a social media challenge waiting to happen. Watch
Samantha’s post from Bali
Sharing the pictures and videos, Samantha wrote on Instagram, “Live a little they said,” along with a smiley. The post shows happy glimpses of Samantha in a green swimsuit and matching sarong from the beach.
There are also pictures of the food she ate, some ice-cream and an ice-cream parlour. Samantha also shared a glimpse of several rock statutes lined up on display. There is also a video of a band performing live at a resort and several beautiful glimpses of the beach.
On Monday, Samantha also shared a video on Instagram Stories in which she was working out, while holding a cat in her arms.
Fans want Samantha to be happy
A fan reacted to the post, “Wishing on all the stars tonight for your beautiful smile to remain like this, no matter what!” Many praised her close up picture which showed her smiling and looking happy. “First pick melts my heart,” wrote a fan. Another commented, “Keeps smiling Sam. There is a lot more moments to capture in life.” One more said, “Yesss, Slow down and enjoy the moment you’re in and live your life to the fullest.”
“So happy for you … at last you are listening to what they said , and more importantly the right one that they said … have fun Sam baby,’ read a comment. A fan also silenced those sharing hate for the actor and said, ”Now some people think that she is lucky to be actress but just think how much hardworking and dedication she has to reach this palace.” One of Samantha’s fan pages also wrote, “Live a little, Laugh a little, Love a little. Happiness will find you a little more.”
Samantha is on a break from work to focus on her health as she is dealing with the autoimmune condition, myositis. She had recently completed all her work commitments including the shoot for Citadel’s Indian version and her Telugu film Kushi. She will be seen opposite Vijay Deverakonda in Kushi.
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