Rupali Ganguly, the lead actor of TV show Anupamaa, has impressed her fans with her new look. Rupali, who is usually seen in traditional sarees on her show, was wearing a glamorous jacket in the picture. Fans of the actor swarmed the post with loving comments and said that they couldn’t recognise her at first. Her Anupamaa co-stars Gaurav Khanna and Aneri Vajani were all praises for her look. Also Read: Rupali Ganguly hides face, makes a request to paparazzi: ‘I have oil in my hair’
“Stepping into spring in style… I’m my own sunshine,” Rupali captioned the post, adding a shining sun emoticon. In the picture, she was wearing a yellow jacket that was studded with pearls. She matched it with pearl earrings and a pearl necklace. She also added a gold bangle to complete her look. For the photoshoot, Rupali did a subtle dewy makeup with brown eye shadow and pink lips, and had her loose hair pulled back in a sleek do.
Rupali’s look received a lot of compliments from her fans, as well as her Anupamaa co-star Gaurav Khanna. Gaurav, who plays Anuj Kapadia on the show, commented, “Nice pic EGM,” adding a raising hands emoji. Actor Aneri Vajani, who plays Gaurav’s younger sister Malvika Kapadia on the show, also praised Rupali’s picture. She exclaimed, “Who is sheee?!!!!!!”
Several other fans of the actor agreed with Aneri’s comments and said they failed to recognise her at first. “Who is she?? Where’s anupama??” one wrote, while actor Jaswir Kaur wrote, “What,” adding a heart-eyed emoji.
One fan said, “Don’t you look like Lady Gaga in this pic!!” Another commented, “Someone call the fire department, because this picture is fire,” adding several fire emojis.
Rupali recently won an award at Dadasaheb Phalke International Film Festival Award as the ‘Most Promising Actress in Television’ for her portrayal of Anupamaa. The show, which also stars Sudhansu Pandey, Madalsa Sharma, and Alpana Buch, airs on Star Plus.
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