After Kolkata Knight Riders’ win against Gujarat Titans at the Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad on Sunday, actor Shah Rukh Khan wished Rinku Singh with an edited image of the cricketer’s face on his Pathaan poster as he congratulated team KKR for the win. Now, Rinku has reacted to Shah Rukh’s tweet, and thanked him for his love. Also read: Shah Rukh Khan goes ‘Jhoome Jo Rinku’ as he celebrates KKR’s win with special Pathaan poster
On Sunday, taking to his official Twitter account, Shah Rukh had said, “JHOOME JO RINKUUUUU!!! My baby @rinkusingh235 And @NitishRana_27 and @venkateshiyer you beauties!!! And remember believe that’s all. Congratulations @KKRiders and @VenkyMysore take care of your heart sir!” On Monday, quoting his tweet, Rinku tweeted, “Shah Rukh sir yaaar (face with tears welling up and heart emojis). Love you sir and thank you for your constant support (folded hands emoji).”
Rinku had hit five successive sixes in the final over to secure a memorable win for KKR during the match against Gujarat Titans. As Kolkata Knight Riders won big at their latest IPL match, co-owner Juhi Chawla seemed to have cried, too. A video of the actor is doing the rounds on social media.
While Shah Rukh Khan was not present for this match, as a show of support for her team, Juhi Chawla attended KKR’s latest match and cheered for the team from the stands. While the match seemed like a lost cause at one point, Rinku’s last over changed the game completely. Apart from jumping with joy, Juhi was captured shedding a few tears and wiping her eyes in a video.
After KKR’s win on Sunday, many celebs praised Rinku Singh for helping his team win the match. Actor Kartik Aaryan heaped praises on Rinku after KKR’s win. Taking to Instagram Stories on Monday, the actor shared a video of Rinku with KKR’s newly-appointed captain Nitish Rana, and wrote, “Unbelievable (fire emojis).” Earlier, actor Ranveer Singh has also lauded Rinku, and tweeted about his five sixes, “RINKU !!!!!!!!! RINKU !!!!!!! RINKU !!!!!!! RINKU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeh kya tha !?!?!?!”
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