Actor Ram Charan on Monday took to Twitter to announce his next film, which will be directed by Buchi Babu Sana of Uppena fame. Tipped to be a sports drama, the film will see Ram collaborate with the director for the first time. Sharing the news about the yet-untitled film, which is currently dubbed RC16, Ram said he’s excited. Also read: Ram Charan’s respect for Akshay Kumar at event impresses fans. Watch
“Excited about this! Looking forward to working with @BuchiBabuSana & the entire team (sic).” Ram Charan tweeted. As per a statement, the project will be a pan-India film as it will be made in multiple languages.
Reports suggest the film is a sports drama but not much has been revealed about it yet. To be jointly produced by Mythri Movie Makers and Vriddhi Cinemas, the project is slated to go on the floors later this month.
With this, the slate of Ram Charan’s upcoming films strengthens further. Before RC16, he has in the pipeline his maiden collaboration with Shankar, for which Ram Charan is currently shooting. The film, dubbed RC 15, sees the actor as playing an IAS officer with anger issues as per reports. Kiara Advani stars opposite him.
The film’s shoot is currently underway in New Zealand where the makers are filming a song on Ram and Kiara. The shoot is expected to go on for another week. In April, the team completed a schedule in Amritsar where Ram took out time to meet the soldiers of Border Security Force. He also organized langar at the Golden temple. Expected to be an action-thriller, RC 15 has music by SS Thaman.
After these two, Ram Charan will reunite with Rangasthalam director Sukumar for his next project. Recently, RRR director SS Rajamouli revealed that Ram Charan has already shot the introduction sequence of his next project with Sukumar and it’ll make the audience quiver in their seats.
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