Rashmika Mandanna’s 2021 release Pushpa: The Rise made the actor a household name across India. Apart from her performance in the Telugu hit, the actor also earned praise for her dance in the chartbuster Saami Saami. Her hook step in the dance became a sensation. Now, as the festive season approaches, videos have surfaced online showing how the step is being used in Garba dances in Gujarat. Rashmika recently reacted to one such video, barely able to contain her excitement. Also read: Rashmika Mandanna and Govinda dance to Saami Saami on DID Super Moms 3. Watch
Over the last few days, several videos have been posted, showing people using the Saami Saami step in the traditional Garba dance, performed in Navratri. One such video shows the dancers rehearsing, using not just Saami Saami but also the step of Srivalli, another song from the film, featuring Allu Arjun. Reacting to the video, Rashmika wrote a long and exaggerated, ‘Crazy’ followed by fire and laughter emojis.
Fans said that the adoption of the dance step in the traditional dance form shows its popularity. “This shows that the song is loved by masses,” wrote one. Another commented, “Everyone loves Rashmika’s Saami Saami.”
Pushpa: The Rise starred Allu Arjun as the titular sandalwood smuggler, with Rashmika and Fahadh Faasil also featuring. A sequel, titled Pushpa: The Rule, is currently in production. Rashmika will reprise her role in the film. The film is expected to release either late this year or in early 2023.
But before that, the actor will be seen in her first Hindi film Goodbye, alongside Amitabh Bachchan. The Vikas Bahl film will hit the screens on October 7 and Rashmika has been busy promoting it of late. The actor also has Mission Majnu opposite Sidharth Malhotra, Animal opposite Ranbir Kapoor, and Varisu opposite Vijay Thalapathy in the pipeline.
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