Actor Ranveer Singh on Sunday gave a glimpse of his weekend as he travelled to Bengaluru to meet his in-laws. Taking to Instagram Stories, Ranveer shared a clip and also a few pictures as he spent his time at the home of his actor-wife Deepika Padukone’s parents. Ranveer posted a Boomerang video as he enjoyed a sweet dish. He sat at a dinner table on which, a blue bowl was placed and yellow coloured milk was poured over it. (Also Read | The Big HT Brunch 18th Anniversary Special interview with Ranveer Singh: The #MillennialMegastar bares his soul)
Sharing the clip, Ranveer Singh wrote, “Chiroti halu (sweet dish) Mmmm.” He also added ‘Sunday’ and ‘Bangalore’ stickers in the story.
Ranveer’s next Instagram Story featured his father-in-law and former badminton player Prakash Padukone. In the throwback picture, Prakash was seen in a T-shirt and white shorts holding a racket as he posed for the camera. Ranveer wrote, “Straight ledge (star emoji)” and added a trophy sticker with first written on it.
In his last picture, Ranveer gave a peek of Deepika, as a child, sitting on a tricycle outdoors. Wearing a pink and white outfit, Deepika looked away from the camera as she sported short hair with a ribbon.
Deepika and Ranveer tied the knot in two ceremonies, honouring each other’s traditions, in 2018. The couple fell in love with each other during the making of Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram-Leela in 2012. They got married in Italy’s Lake Como in an intimate ceremony. Later, they hosted several receptions on returning to India.
They featured in several films together including 83 (2021), Padmaavat (2018), Bajirao Mastani (2015), Finding Fanny (2014), and RamLeela (2013).
Ranveer was recently a part of the NBA All-Star Game in Cleveland, US. Sharing his experience on Instagram, he wrote, “I just had the most incredible experience at the all-star game. But the highlight by far was the love and energy that my fans gave me at the game. I’m deeply touched and overwhelmed… Literally brought me to tears by the end of it. I feel the grace of God through you all. Not sure what I’ve done to deserve this kind of love but I am filled with just pure gratitude. Thank you all from the deepest embers of my heart. “
The US’s National Basketball Association had appointed Ranveer as the NBA Brand Ambassador for India in September last year. During an Instagram Live session recently, the actor had revealed that he and his friend would be heading to Cleveland to play the NBA All-Star Game.
Meanwhile, Ranveer will be seen in Jayeshbhai Jordaar, Shankar’s remake of his blockbuster Anniyan and Rohit Shetty’s Cirkus. He also has Karan Johar’s Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem
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