Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor are among the most loved couple in Bollywood these days. At a promotional event for their film Brahmastra in Hyderabad on Friday, Alia even pointed at him while singing the romantic song Kesariya. Ranbir was seen blushing hard and was looking at the floor after Alia’s gesture. Even Karan Johar noticed it and tapped blushing Ranbir’s head. Also read: Nagarjuna blesses Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt’s child
Alia was dressed in a custom-made pink sharara that had ‘baby on board’ designed on the back. As the main event scheduled to happen at Ramoji Film City in Hyderabad was cancelled at the last minute and the venue for the press event was shifted to a hotel, Alia revealed she had prepared Kesariya song in Telugu for the event. She went on to sing Kumkumala merged with the Hindi version (Kesariya) with much perfection.
As she sang “din beete teri fikar mein (my days are spent thinking about you)”, she turned back to point towards Ranbir Kapoor as if singing for him. He was seen blushing and looking at the floor. Noticing this, Karan smiled and tapped on his head.
Brahmastra is Alia and Ranbir’s first film together. They started dating while working on the film. It has been quite a few years in the making. The two tied the knot in April this year in a close-knit ceremony at their residence. In June, Alia announced her pregnancy on Instagram by sharing a photo from a sonogram session.
At the Hyderabad event, their Brahmastra co-star Nagarjuna also blessed them on stage. He shared a sweet wish for their child and said that may the little one become bigger than the two actors. “We wish that you have a beautiful child and who’s going to be bigger than both of you together,” he said.
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