Vaani Kapoor and Ranbir Kapoor are gearing up for the release of their upcoming film Shamshera. The duo recently got together to do a sizzling photoshoot for its promotions, and it will set your timelines on fire. Vaani took to Instagram to post the snippets from the shoot on her Instagram page and captioned it “Balli & Sona,” the name of her and Ranbir’s character in the movie. While Vaani chose a sheer black look for the images, Ranbir opted to go shirtless in a chic suit set. Keep scrolling to check out their pictures.
On Tuesday, Vaani Kapoor shared pictures starring herself and Ranbir from the promotional photoshoot for Shamshera. Celebrity stylists Anaita Shroff Adjania and Chandani Mehta styled Ranbir and Vaani’s jaw-dropping avatars. After Vaani shared the photos, many of her and Ranbir’s fans flooded the comments section with fire and heart emoticons. Check out the images below. (Also Read; Vaani Kapoor in black bralette and striped pants raises the temperature for new photoshoot: See pics)
Coming to Ranbir’s outfit pick for the shoot, he chose a tailored suit set in a wine-red hue. The ensemble features a blazer with notch lapel collars, long sleeves, ornate gold buttons, an open front and padded shoulders. Ranbir went shirtless for the pictures and flaunted his toned physique.
A pair of matching wine red-coloured pants completed the outfit. Ranbir also wore accessories to style the ensemble, including layered gold chains carrying dainty charms. In the end, a side-parted messy hairdo, rugged beard and dewy skin rounded off Ranbir’s photoshoot look.
Regarding Vaani’s black attire, it comes adorned with lace embroidery on a see-through fabric. The star wore a backless top featuring a sweetheart neckline, full sleeves and a midriff-revealing sheer panel with see-through black pants.
In the end, Vaani opted for statement accessories and soft glam to style the all-black attire. She chose silver dangling earrings, shimmery winged eyeliner, subtle eye shadow, glossy pink lip shade, glowing skin, blushed cheeks, mascara-adorned lashes and sharp contouring.
Meanwhile, Ranbir and Vaani’s film Shamshera also stars Sanjay Dutt. Produced by Aditya Chopra, the film is set to release in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu on July 22. Ranbir also has a Luv Ranjan movie with Shraddha Kapoor and Brahmastra with his wife, Alia Bhatt, in the pipeline.
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