Rakul Preet Singh is an absolute fashionista. The actor keeps slaying fashion goals like a pro with snippets from her fashion diaries on her Instagram profile on a regular basis. From acing casual ensembles to festive attires to showing us her boss babe side in a formal power suit, Rakul Preet’s Instagram profile is replete with inspo for her fans to refer to. Rakul Preet keeps proving her sartorial sense of fashion by decking up in stunning ensembles, which always ensures to make fashion lovers scurry to take notes. The actor keeps sharing her fashion statements and making her fans drool.
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Rakul Preet, a day back, shared a slew of pictures of herself from her makeup room and gave us all kinds of fashion inspo for the weekend. The actor embraced her filmy side with a twist in her ensemble and we are drooling already. Rakul Preet played muse to fashion designer houses RSVP and MASH and picked a black cropped top and a pair of trousers. Rakul Preet’s satin black top featured a plunging neckline, full caped sleeves, and a knot detail showing off her midriff. Rakul Preet further teamed it with a pair of trousers featuring patchwork details of cult Bollywood film posters. The high-waisted trousers came with wide legs and added more oomph to her makeup room photos. “Kaun kehta hai main filmy nahin hoon (Who says that I’m not filmy),” Rakul Preet captioned her pictures. Take a look at her pictures here:
Rakul Preet further accessorised her look for the day in multiple sleek golden neck chains featuring minimal golden pendants, from the house of Misho Designs. Styled by fashion stylist Anshika Verma, Rakul Preet wore her tresses open in wavy curls with a middle part as she posed for the photos. Assisted by makeup artist Salim Sayyed, Rakul Preet decked up in nude eyeshadow, black eyeliner, black kohl, mascara-laden eyelashes, drawn eyebrows, contoured cheeks and a shade of nude lipstick.
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