Actor Rakul Preet Singh has been lately making headlines with back-to-back glamourous looks. Recently, the Doctor G actor made heads turn at Ayushmann Khurrana’s Diwali bash in a green embellished sharara set, and before that, she looked gorgeous in a black-and-white mini dress for her birthday celebrations in London. This time around, Rakul went for an all-black look in a bralette and flared pants set. The co-ord separates make for a perfect date-night look, and Rakul showed how to glam it up with a shimmering jacket.
Rakul Preet Singh’s all-black look for a new photoshoot
On Tuesday, Rakul took to Instagram to share pictures from the latest photoshoot and captioned it, “Blurry mood, focused mind [heart emoji].” The post shows Rakul serving suave poses dressed in black-coloured separates featuring a bralette and flared pants. The ensemble is a perfect date-night look and she took the glam quotient up a notch by layering a shimmering embellished jacket over the outfit. The attire is from the shelves of the clothing label Showpo. Keep scrolling to steal some tips from the Rakul style book for the ultimate date look. (Also Read: Rakul Preet Singh in hot pink bralette and monochrome suit promotes Runway 34)
The black bralette features bold straps, a plunging neckline with a slit in the middle, a fitted silhouette, and a cropped hem length hinting at her toned midriff. Rakul teamed the blouse with matching black pants that come with a high-rise waistline and flared hem. A notch-lapelled jacket with quarter-length sleeves, an open front and multi-coloured sequin embellishments completed the ensemble.
Rakul accessorised her outfit with clear strap block heels and dangling earrings, and for the makeup, she chose subtle eye shadow, mascara on the lashes, mauve lip shade, blushed cheeks, glowing skin, filled-in eyebrows, and light contouring to highlighter her face. Lastly, centre-parted open tresses gave a finishing touch to her look.
What do you think of her look?
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