After a court session on Monday in Mumbai, Rakhi Sawant spoke to the media and claimed that her husband Adil Khan Durrani had threatened her after they met. She shared that Adil taunted her about his connections to fellow prison inmates, calling them ‘dons’ and told her to watch out when he gets released. The actor also told the press that she had informed her advocate about her exchange with Adil. (Also read: ‘Do you feel Rakhi Sawant is so weak that any guy can beat her’ asks Adil Khan Durrani’s lawyer)
Adil has been in judicial custody for over two weeks since Rakhi filed an FIR against him, accusing him of domestic violence and mishandling her funds while she was away at work, amongst other charges.
Wearing a light brown coat over a black T-shirt, the actor addressed the gathered media. She said, “Aaj maine unko court mein dekha, Adil ko. Mujhe attitude dikha rahe the. Kehte hai ke, ‘Jail mein bahut bade bade don se mila hoon. Sochlo aap ko kya karna hai’ (I saw Adil in court today. He was giving me attitude. He said, ‘I met several big dons in jail. Think about what you want to do’).”
Rakhi admitted that he was threatening her and informed the media that she has told her advocate about their interaction. She added, “Warna usko dene de dhamki. Kya karega woh. Jin se mila hai, woh bhi toh andar hi hai. (Let him give threats. What will he do? Those whom he met with are also inside).”
The actor also shared that Adil told her, “Main jail gaya Arthur Road, itna ganda jail. Wahan pe maine bartan manje, logon ke liye chai banayi. Logon ke paer dabaye. Isse bura mere saath kya ho sakta hai. Lekin main aaunga fir tumhara kya hoga (Arthur Road is such a dirty jail. I have washed dishes, made tea for others and pressed their feet. What can be worse than this? But I will come for you when I’m out, then what will happen to you?).” Adil also added that people were beaten up in the jail.
Last week, Adil’s lawyer Neeraj Gupta stated that the allegations against Adil were ‘all baseless’. He also shared that Rakhi had done the same thing with her previous husband Ritesh.
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