Priyanka Chopra took to Instagram and shared a video from Lodwar County Referral hospital on Wednesday. She is currently working towards saving lives of children who suffer from malnourishment. The actor is in the African country, and has requested people across the globe to support UNICEF’s initiative against Kenya’s hunger crisis. In her latest video, the UNICEF goodwill ambassador shared how critical cases of malnutrition were treated at hospital and everyday seemed a challenge for them and their families. ( Also read: Priyanka Chopra shares plight of kids as she visits Kenya: ‘Really difficult to hear stunted, when it comes to a child’)
She wore a blue UNICEF T-shirt with a matching cap. She gave a glimpse of the paediatric ward with starved children getting treatment. She can be seen talking with hospital staff in the clip.
Priyanka says in the video, “This is something I hope I never do again, but the reality is that I will. You truly understand the extent of a crisis when you see it in the eyes of the children. The Lodwar County Referral Hospital treats some of the most critical cases of the severe acute malnutrition in the region. And it is heartbreaking to see. These children are in the words of the doctor, wasting away. Families are desperate in way to save their child’s life. Everyday is a challenge. “
She concluded by saying, “But the hope is that with the multiple programs initiated by UNICEF, no child gets to this dire condition. They need your help. Click in the link in my bio.”
She captioned it on Instagram, “The faces of the children I saw in the Lodwar Pediatric Stabilization Center today will forever haunt me. Rows and rows of children, with no twinkle in their eyes, too weak to cry. Just skin and bones. These kids didn’t chose to be here, and in fact this is totally avoidable. A starving child? A child so hungry that the only way to save their life is to admit them to a hospital for urgent lifesaving treatment?”
She further added, “In a world where some of us have so much, how could this happen? Whether it’s in your own backyard, or across the globe, no child should die of hunger.”
She gave an account of poverty and said, “The extreme poverty coupled with the worst drought in 40 years is a collision course to tragedy. BUT there is a solution, unlike some of the other emergencies I have traveled to where that is not always the case. Please donate at the link in my bio. A little bit goes a long way.”
She was last seen in The Matrix Resurrections. She has Jee Le Zaraa alongside Katrina Kaif and Alia Bhatt in pipeline. She has wrapped up her work for debut web series Citadel.
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