Actor Priyanka Chopra has landed at the 27th spot on the Hopper Instagram Richlist year. With 64 million followers on Instagram, Priyanka is reportedly getting $403,000 ( ₹3 crore) for every promotional post she makes on the app.
The list is released annually and ranks celebs, sports personalities and others based on how much they charge for each of their promoted posts on Instagram. Last year, Priyanka was on the 19th spot with $271,000 earned per post. While her earnings per post have increased significantly, those of others have seen a much higher increase.
Cricketer Virat Kohli is the only other Indian on the list in the top 30. While last year, he was at spot 23, this time, he raced ahead of Priyanka to take the 19th spot with his 125 million followers getting him $680,000 ( ₹5 crore) per post.
The list is topped by Football star Cristiano Ronaldo once again. He has 295 million followers and earns $1,604,000 ( ₹11 crore) per post. Others on the list include Dwayne Johnson, Ariana Grande, Kylie Jenner and Taylor Swift.
Recently, Priyanka was announced as the new face of lingerie brand Victoria’s Secret. Priyanka took to her Instagram to share the news with her fans, saying, “Representation matters. It’s crucial for us to show everyone ALL over the world that they matter and are seen! As a founding partner of #TheVSCollective and advisor to the business this is exactly what I intend to do.”
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“It’s been so incredible to see your reactions to yesterday’s announcement. It’s fuelled me further and I am excited to bring about meaningful change at one of the worlds most iconic brands. I’m so proud to be in the company of the Collective of incredible women that will helm this change,” she added.
On Thursday, she was also announced at the face of makeup brand Max Factor. “Excited to announce that I am Max Factor’s Global Ambassador! Can’t wait to share this journey with you all. Join me as we step into a new light to reveal our Xtraordinary selves,” she wrote on Instagram.
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