Priyanka Chopra is back in the US and has been regularly attending husband Nick Jonas’ concert each day. On Sunday, Priyanka made an appearance at a concert in an animal print blouse and denims, which she later paired with a black jacket. During the show, Nick Jonas mentioned that one of the songs was actually sung by his brother at their wedding in India. Also read: Nick Jonas, Priyanka Chopra hold hands, go for romantic stroll at night in Las Vegas
The crowd cheered for Priyanka and Nick Jonas as the latter said, “He actually sang this in me and my wife’s wedding”. Priyanka too was seen standing among the crowd and clapping for him as she witnessed the moment.
As the couple’s fanpage shared a video of the moment on Instagram, a fan reacted, “Aww love it and Papa J sing it and Nick said hi babe, love them so much.” Another said, “Awww, Love!! I love how Nick always mentions or gives a shout out to Pri when she’s in the audience.” In reaction to another video on the fanpage, fans also said, “Aww love love love when he mentions Pri his wife.”
A day before, Priyanka had attended Jonas Brothers’ concert in Las Vegas while sitting between mom Madhu Chopra and mother-in-law Denise Jonas. She was in a red overcoat. She had also shared a picture with him from their walk in the city and addressed him as ‘bae’ on Instagram Stories.
Priyanka recently reunited with Nick after her week-long trip to India for the promotion of her haircare brand. She announced her homecoming by sharing a family picture with their Christmas tree in the background. It showed the couple lying on the carpet with Priyanka holding daughter Malti in her arms.
She will now be seen in Russo Brothers’ Amazon Prime series, Citadel. She also has Hollywood films Love Again and Ending Things and Bollywood film Jee Le Zaraa in pipeline.
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