Priyanka Chopra is known for encouraging Indian talent and promoting regional films. She recently hosted a screening and reception of Gujarati film Last Film Show (originally named Chhello Show), which has been shortlisted for Oscars in the Best International Feature Film category. She talked about the film in detail days before the final nominations for the 95th Academy Awards are announced later this month. Also read: Priyanka Chopra recalls ‘magical’ Caribbean holiday with Sophie Turner, Danielle Jonas: ‘They are close friends of mine’
Producer David Dubinsky attended the event and shared several pictures and videos from the night on Instagram. In the photos, Priyanka was seen in a black dress with black boots as she joined Last Film Show director Pan Nalin and child actor Bhavin Rabari at the event.
During the event, Priyanka talked about the times of single screen theatres in small towns and cities and said that even her father would bunk school to watch films. She also asked Bhavin which one film he had watched before doing the film. As he replied, ‘Dangal’, she said it is a good film to watch.
Sharing the pics, David wrote, “With Priyanka Chopra, actress, model, and producer (wife of Nick Jonas) at the movie screening and reception of Last Film Show, a coming of age drama of a boy from a remote village in India who discovers the joys of the movie theater just as digital projection changes the game. It is India’s submission to the Academy Awards and was just shortlisted in Best International feature film category. Available on Netflix.”
Directed by Pan Nalin and produced by Siddharth Roy Kapur and Dheer Momaya, Last Film Show is India’s official entry to the Oscars. It is a coming-of-age story of a young boy’s love affair with cinema in a Saurashtra village. It follows nine-year-old cinema lover Samay (Bhavin Rabari) as he moves heaven and earth in pursuit of his 35mm dreams, unaware of the heartbreaking times that await him.
The film has been nominated and screened at prestigious film festivals across the world like Tribeca, Buenos Aires International Festival of Independent Cinema amongst others. It also won best picture at the Asian World Film Festival in Los Angeles.
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