Prem Chopra has said in an interview that he has been receiving calls since Wednesday morning after fake news about his death started doing rounds. The actor has said that he received calls from Rakesh Roshan, Amod Mehra and others inquiring if he was alive. Also Read: Prem Chopra on turning 86: At this age, I don’t want to step outside unnecessary
In January, Prem Chopra and his wife Uma Chopra were admitted to Mumbai’s Lilavati Hospital after testing positive for Covid-19. The two were discharged from the hospital after a few days.
In an interview with ETimes, while talking about his death hoax, Prem said, “This is sadism, what else! Somebody is deriving sadistic pleasure in wrongly informing people that I am no more. But here I am, talking to you, absolutely hale and hearty.”
He added, “I don’t know how many calls of this nature I have received since morning. Rakesh Roshan called me. Amod Mehra (trade analyst) called. I wonder who did this to me. Also, I must tell you that someone did a similar thing with Jeetendra, my close friend. That happened about four months ago. This needs to stop- and immediately.”
Amod Mehra also shared the update on his Twitter handle. He wrote, “All those who are getting morbid pleasure in declaring my brother Shri Prem Chopra as dead, please note, I just spoke to him and he is hale and hearty. Sir, Jug Jug Jeeo… meri umar bhi aap ko lag jaye (May you live a long life. May my life be added to yours). Jai Mata Di.”
Prem began his acting career in the early 1960s. Some of his best films are: Shaheed (1965), Upkaar (1967), Purab Aur Pashchim, Do Raaste (1969), Kati Patang (1970), Do Anjaane (1976), Jaadu Tona (1977), Kala Sona, Dostana (1980), Kranti (1981), Jaanwar(1982), Phool Bane Angaarey (1991) and many more. Prem has acted with the late actor Rajesh Khanna in more than 19 films. He was last seen in Varun V Sharma’s Bunty Aur Babli 2, which was released in November, 2021.
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