Actor Preity Zinta shared glimpses as she visited the Kamakhya temple in Guwahati. Taking to Instagram on Saturday, Preity posted a video collage in which she was seen inside the temple complex. For the visit, Preity wore a pink suit and covered her head. She also wore a face mask. (Also Read | Preity Zinta praises son Jai’s ‘Swachh Bharat’ moves as he mops floor)
The clip also gave a peek of the temple, nearby stores, and a pond. The video collage also showed Preity receiving a miniature Kamakhya temple replica as a gift from a saint. The actor also clicked several selfies from inside the temple complex. She also added Chariots Of Fire by Vangelis as the background music.
Sharing the video, Preity captioned the post, “One of my reasons to go to Guwahati was to visit the famous Kamakhya Devi temple. Even though our flight was delayed for several hours & I was up all night, it all seemed worth it once I entered the temple. I felt such powerful vibrations when I went there & a sense of peace n calm (folded hands emoji).”
“These moments of stillness & gratitude make up for all the chaos & judgement around & for this I am grateful. If any of you go visit Guwahati do not miss this incredible temple. You can thank me later (heart eyes emoji) Jai Ma Kamakhya – Jai mata di (folded hands emoji) #ting.” Reacting to the post, a person wrote, “You are soooooooo beautiful wish you all the luck for the match tooo.” A comment read, “So pious.”
Recently, at the IPL match between Punjab Kings and Kolkata Knight Riders, Preity cheered for her side from the stands. “Nothing like coming home. Thank you to all the Punjabi’s in the house for such a warm welcome. We waited 4 years to come back to Mohali. I’m so happy we started this IPl season with a win,” she wrote. Preity also shared a picture with the crowd. In the image, she flashed a smile.
Preity stays with her husband Gene Goodenough in the US. They tied the knot on February 29, 2016, in Los Angeles. The duo became parents to twins–Jai and Gia, in 2021. Announcing the birth of her children via surrogacy, Preity shared a post on Instagram.
She wrote, “Hi everyone, I wanted to share our amazing news with all of you today. Gene and I are overjoyed and our hearts are filled with so much gratitude and with so much love as we welcome our twins Jai Zinta Goodenough and Gia Zinta Goodenough into our family.”
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