Mom-to-be Alia Bhatt, who launched her maternity clothing label today, stepped out with her husband Ranbir Kapoor and Brahmastra director Ayan Mukerji to visit a movie theatre in Sion, Mumbai. While Alia, who is pregnant with her and Ranbir’s first child, chose a comfy maternity look, Ranbir complemented her in denim jeans, tee and jacket combination for the day out. Alia’s pregnancy glow and pretty smile elevated her simple ensemble. Keep scrolling to check out snippets from Alia and Ranbir’s outing.
Alia Bhatt flaunts her pregnancy glow and pretty smile during an outing with Ranbir Kapoor
On Friday, Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt stepped out in Mumbai to attend a promotional event for their film Brahmastra with director Ayan Mukerji. The paparazzi clicked Alia and Ranbir at the event, dressed in casual-chic fits. The couple posed together while smiling for the cameras and greeted their fans at the occasion. Alia’s OOTD screamed effortless elegance and won our hearts with its comfy vibes. It is a perfect pick for any mom-to-be who doesn’t want to compromise on their style. Check out the pictures below. (Also Read: Loved Alia Bhatt’s pregnancy look in hot pink mini dress and trench coat for Brahmastra promotions? It costs ₹7k)
Regarding Alia’s maternity look at the Brahmastra promotional event, the star chose a flowy mini dress in a solid pastel yellow shade. The ensemble features full-length bell sleeves, a plunging V neckline, cinched detail around the bust, pleats on the front, an asymmetrical mini-length hemline, and a loose silhouette to hide the baby bump.
Alia accessorised her pregnancy look with cream-coloured peep-toe block heels, statement gold-toned rings, and textured hoop earrings. Lastly, she chose a messy low ponytail, glossy pink lip shade, dewy skin, blushed cheeks, a hint of mascara on the lashes, and filled-in brows for the glam picks. Alia’s pregnancy glow acted as a cherry on the cake.
On the other hand, Ranbir complemented Alia in a fitted V-neck T-shirt and acid-washed denim jeans. He rounded off his look with a navy blue open-front jacket, matching watch, black tinted sunglasses, white lace-up sneakers, and a pulled-back hairdo.
Meanwhile, Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor tied the knot on April 14, 2022, in the presence of close friends and family.
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