Actor Alia Bhatt, who is married to Ranbir Kapoor, recently delighted her followers after announcing that she is pregnant. The star, who had been in Europe to shoot for her Hollywood debut Heart of Stone, arrived in Mumbai today. Alia wrapped up part of her shooting schedule and then headed back home, where she was greeted by her husband, Ranbir Kapoor, who came to the airport to pick her up. The paparazzi clicked Alia in a classy black and white outfit.
On Sunday, Ranbir Kapoor reached the Mumbai airport to receive his wife, Alia Bhatt. The paparazzi clicked the couple hugging each other inside the car before leaving for their home. The pregnant star chose a comfy fit for her jet-set look and served new moms-to-be tips on dressing casually with a touch of elegance. Keep scrolling to check out Alia’s video and pictures from the airport. (Also Read: Loved Alia Bhatt’s cut-out mini dress in Koffee With Karan season 7 trailer with Ranveer Singh? It costs ₹85k)
For the airport look, Alia chose a white tank top with a round neckline and a snug body-hugging fit. She layered it with an oversized white collared shirt featuring an open front, button-up details, long sleeves with folded cuffs, a loose silhouette and drop shoulders. Lastly, a pair of black flared pants spelt comfort and rounded off the ensemble.
Alia chose minimal accessories to style her jet-set fit, including white lace-up chunky sneakers and a Gucci X Adidas over-the-body bag with the infamous red and green coloured strap. The star also wore a mask to keep herself safe amid the Covid-19 pandemic. In the end, Alia’s centre-parted open tresses and no-makeup look completed the glam picks.
Meanwhile, Alia Bhatt has wrapped up her portion of the shoot for her Hollywood debut, Heart of Stone. The film also stars Gal Gadot and Jamie Dornan and is being shot in Europe. Helmed by Tom Harper, it will release on Netflix sometime next year but no release date has been officially announced. Additionally, Alia also has her maiden production venture, Darlings with Shefali Shah, Vijay Varma, and Roshan Mathew.
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