Tamil Nadu’s Pradeep Senthilkumar broke former Asian youth champion Beant Singh’s seven-year-old 800m meet record at the 20 th National Federation Cup junior (under-20) athletics here on Saturday. The top three in the event achieved the qualification time for the coming under-20 Worlds in Colombia.
Another Tamil Nadu youngster, Selva Prabhu had one legal triple jump (15.84m) but that was enough to bring him the gold and the under-20 Worlds ticket.
Meanwhile, Karnataka’s junior international Priya H. Mohan — who has already booked her under-20 Worlds berths in the 200 and 400m — won the 200m comfortably with silver medallist Priyanka Sikarwar of UP also making the cut.
The championship’s last day also saw many others book their berths for Colombia.
The results (winners only):
Men: 200m: T.K. Vishal (TN) 21.71s; 800m: Pradeep Senthilkumar (TN) 1:49.59s (MR, Old: 1:49.95); 3000m: Ritik Deol (Del) 8:29.16s; 3000m steeplechase: Vishal Chauhan (UP) 9:33.24s; 400m hurdles: Hardeep (Pun) 52.40s; high jump: Praveen Kuamr (Del) and Md Asraf Ali (WB) 2.06m; triple jump: Selva Prabhu (TN) 15.84m; hammer throw: 1. Vinit (Haryana) 66.87m.
Women: 200m: Priya H Mohan (Kar) 23.98s; 800m: 1. Ashakiran Barla (Jharkhand) 2:06.78s; 3000m: Drashtiben P. Chaudhri (Guj) 9:39.88s; 3000m steeplechase: Pallavi Jagdale (Mah) 11:25.25s; 400m hurdles: Simmy (Har) 1:00.72s (MR, Old: 1:00.91); 10000m race walk: Mansi Negi (Utkd) 49:54.88s; triple Jump: Poorva Sawant (Mah) 12.65m; hammer: Tanya Chaudhary (UP) 57.09m (MR, Old: 52.49); Javelin: Ramyashree Jain (Kar) 44.42m; heptathlon: Pooja (Har) 4699 pts.
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