Manvendra Singh, the ‘struggling’ actor who allegedly stalked actor Katrina Kaif and threatened her husband-actor Vicky Kaushal on social media, was produced at a Bandra court in Mumbai on Tuesday. The Mumbai Police clicked photos with 30-year-old Manvendra outside the court. (Also Read | Man arrested for sending threats to Vicky Kaushal and Katrina Kaif, stalking her)
Earlier on Monday, the police arrested Manvendra hours after Vicky Kaushal lodged a complaint at the Santacruz police station. Speaking with Hindustan Times, Deputy Commissioner of Police (zone 9) Manjunath Singhe confirmed the arrest, “We have taken him into custody and the investigation is going on.” A case was registered under Sections 506 (2) (criminal intimidation) and 354 (d) (stalking) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and Section 67 (transmitting obscene material) of the Information Technology Act, 2000.
A source had also told Hindustan Times, “The stories flying around were exaggerated. It’s not as serious as the way it’s being reported. This is a stalker who shows up from time to time unannounced and has been harassing her for a long time. The authorities have been notified of the same and a complaint has been filed.”
Speaking about what Vicky told them, an officer in the Santacruz police station said, “The actor claimed that the harassment and threatening had been going on for a few days after which he decided to approach the police and lodge a complaint.” Katrina and Vicky have not yet commented on the matter in public yet.
This isn’t the first time that a Bollywood celebrity has received threats. Prior to Vicky and Katrina, actor Swara Bhasker in June received a death threat through a letter. The letter was sent to the actor’s residence located in Versova. After receiving the letter, Swara approached Versova police station and lodged a complaint against unidentified persons.
Actor Salman Khan and his father Salim Khan also received a death threat letter a month ago. The letter was found by the security staff and the police on a bench where Salim generally takes a break during his morning walks.
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