If you are not under the rocks, then by now, you surely have got to know that Bipasha Basu is all set to welcome motherhood soon. The diva recently took to Instagram to share that she is expecting her first child with her husband and actor Karan Singh Grover. The news in no time took the internet by storm and started trending on social media. If you scroll through both Bipasha and Karan’s Instagram handles, you will find people showering their love and best wishes on the two for embarking on the new journey. In between all this, the couple went out to celebrate the news, along with their friend and actor Arti Singh Sharma. And no points for guessing, the celebration was all about good food.
Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover are a foodie couple and their Instagram handles prove that well. Over the years, we have seen Bipasha cooking yummy foods and Karan gushing over her cooking skills. Besides, they have also been regularly updating us with all their food activities. Keeping up with the tradition, Bipasha recently shared an Insta-story featuring Karan posing with a green chilli from the salad platter. In the picture, we could also see papad, green chutney, achar, onion and lemon, which implies, they went out to enjoy some desi dishes. What made the story yet funnier is the song in the background. We could hear the popular Hindi song ‘Tujhko mirchi lagi toh main kya karu’, playing in the background. Here’s a glimpse of the story.
Also Read: Bipasha Basu Treats Husband Karan Singh Grover With Home-Made Burger And Milkshake (See Pics Inside)
The couple also shared their picture from the evening and we must say – the mommy-to-be is totally glowing. Take a look:
Earlier, Bipasha and Karan took to their respective Insta-handles to share their pregnancy news with a picture of Bipasha with the baby bump and Karan by her side. Alongside, they also shared a heartfelt note that read, “A new time, a new phase, a new light adds another unique shade to our prism of life. Making us a little more whole than we used to be.”
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View on InstagramAbout Somdatta SahaExplorer- this is what Somdatta likes to call herself. Be it in terms of food, people or places, all she craves for is to know the unknown. A simple aglio olio pasta or daal-chawal and a good movie can make her day.
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