Comedian Amy Schumer, who hosted the 2022 Oscars, has reacted to the incident at the awards where actor Will Smith slapped presenter Chris Rock. The controversial incident took place after Chris made a joke at the expense of Will’s wife actor Jada Pinkett Smith. Taking to social media, Amy said she was still triggered and traumatised by the incident and applauded Chris for how he handled the situation. Also read: ‘Outraged’ Academy gives update on Will Smith-Chris Rock slap investigation
On Sunday night, during the Oscars ceremony, Chris made a tasteless joke about Jada’s shaved head, which is due to an autoimmune disorder she suffers. Angered by this, Will walked up to the stage and slapped the comedian. Amy hosted the event, along with Regina Hall and Wanda Sykes.
On Wednesday, taking to Instagram, Amy spoke about the incident. She posted a picture of herself and wrote a long note. The note began with a joke reference to her new series Life & Beth but then Amy added she was ‘still triggered and traumatized’.
She wrote, “I think we can all agree that the best way to unpack what happened is to stream my series @lifeandbethhulu and see me on tour this fall. But for real. Still triggered and traumatized. I love my friend @chrisrock and believe he handled it like a pro. Stayed up there and gave an Oscar to his friend @questlove and the whole thing was so disturbing. So much pain in @willsmith anyway I’m still in shock and stunned and sad.”
Amy added that she was proud of her she and her co-hosts – Wanda and Regina – handled the sudden situation. “I’m proud of myself and my cohosts. But yeah. Waiting for this sickening feeling to go away from what we all witnessed,” her note further read.
Will went on to win the Best Actor award later that night and apologised to the organisers in a teary acceptance speech. He also issued an apology to Chris in the form of a social media statement the following day. The Academy of Motion Pictures, Arts & Sciences have now launched an investigation in the matter.
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