OnePlus 11 5G with Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 SoC was launched in India in February. Now, the Shenzhen headquartered company is reportedly working on the OnePlus 12. OnePlus has, however, not yet revealed its official launch date, but a tipster suggests that OnePlus 12 will go official in global markets including India in January 2024. Specifications of the handset have previously been tipped as well. The phone is said to be powered by the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 SoC. It is expected to pack a 5,400mAh battery with support for 100W wired charging and 50W wireless charging.
Reliable tipster Max Jambor (@MaxJmb) claimed on Twitter that the OnePlus 12 will be launched in global markets in January next year. The global launch was earlier said to happen in February. OnePlus is speculated to unveil the handset in China sometime in December 2023.
OnePlus has also not yet confirmed the launch timeline of the OnePlus 12. It is, therefore, safe to consider the details with a pinch of salt.
Specifications of the OnePlus 12 have earlier leaked on the Web. It is said to run on Android 14 with OxygenOS 14 on top. The flagship phone could feature a 6.7-inch fluid LTPO AMOLED display with a 2K resolution and 120Hz refresh rate. Qualcomm’s unannounced Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 is expected to power the OnePlus 12. It could pack 16GB of LPDDR5X RAM and 256GB of UFS 4.0 storage.
The OnePlus 12 is tipped to come with a Hasselblad-branded triple-camera setup, including a 50-megapixel primary camera sensor, a 50-megapixel ultra-wide camera, and a 64-megapixel telephoto camera. For selfies, there could be a 32-megapixel sensor on the front, arranged in the hole punch cutout on the display. It is said to feature an alert slider and an in-display fingerprint scanner for authentication. The flagship handset could be backed by a 5,400mAh battery with fast 100W wired charging support and 50W wireless charging support.
OnePlus 11 5G was launched in India in February with a price tag of Rs. 56,999 for the 8GB + 128GB storage configuration and Rs. 61,999 for the 16GB + 256G storage variant.
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