On Thursday, actors Kajol and Ajay Devgn had shared sweet pictures with daughter Nysa Devgan as they wished her on her 20th birthday. Now, a new video of Nysa’s intimate birthday celebration has been shared by her aunt, actor Tanishaa Mukerji. In the clip shared on Instagram Stories, Nysa is seen with dad Ajay and her grandmother Veena Devgan as she cuts her ’20’ shaped birthday cake. Also read: Nysa Devgan turns 20; Kajol and Ajay Devgn share candid pics of daughter, shower her with love
Nysa is all smiles and claps with everyone else as they sing ‘happy birthday’ for her. For the the birthday celebration at home, Nysa Devgan was dressed in a grey top and yoga pants. She blew the birthday candles and cut the cakes, which were decorated with different kinds of chocolates and white and pink cream.
Kajol and Ajay Devgn married on 24 February, 1999 after dating for a few years. The couple has two children. Daughter Nysa was born in 2003, and son Yug was born in 2010. On Thursday, to wish Nysa on her birthday, Kajol shared a candid picture of them together from the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre launch earlier this month. Kajol was in an ivory outfit, while Nysa wore a silver gown.
Kajol wrote in her caption, “This is us and our story always. Love your sense of humour and your mind and your oh so very sweet heart… love you to bits baby girl and may you always smile laugh and snark with me forever!” Ajay also shared a birthday post for Nysa. Sharing a collage of their four pictures, in which the father-daughter duo is smiling and twinning in matching black outfits, the actor wrote on Instagram, “Happy birthday baby.”
In a recent interview with Hindustan Times, Kajol was asked how she feels about the popularity that her daughter has earned. The actor had then said, “I feel proud of her (Nysa), of course. I love the fact that she conducts herself with dignity wherever she goes. All I can say is, she is 19 and is having fun. She has the right to do whatever she wants to do and I will always support her.”
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