Nysa Devgan was spotted with her friends, including Arjun Rampal’s daughter Mahikaa Rampal, on Sunday night. Nysa is the daughter of actors Ajay Devgn and Kajol. While she was in a short red dress and had makeup on, Mahikaa was in a black crop top and a polka dotted skirt. They were also joined by their friend Orhan Awatramani. Also read: Nysa Devgan can’t stop laughing at Mumbai event, enjoys dessert as she poses with friends in new pics
A paparazzo account on Instagram shared a video of Nysa from Sunday night. It shows her walking towards the car to join her friends for an outing. She paired her short red dress with beige flats. She was seen walking alongside Mahikaa before they joined Orhan, who was in black casuals. They were accompanied by one more common friend in the car.
Many called Nysa “pretty” in the comments section, others criticised her look. Kajol had opened up about on the same in an interview last year and had said that if a person is trolled, it points out that are actually famous. She had told ETimes, “I feel trolling has become a very strange part of social media. It has become 75 percent. If you are trolled, you are noticed. If you are trolled, you are famous. It’s like you are not famous till you are trolled.”
On how to deal with trolls, Kajol had said, “Voh same cheez main use bhi samjhati hun. Agar ek insaan aapko bol raha hai ki yeh kharab hai, toh usme se 10,000 log hain jo sochte hain ki you are the most beautiful girl in the world (I tell her the same thing. If one person is saying something bad about you, there are 10,000 people who think you are the most beautiful girl in the world). And most important of all what do you see in the mirror?”
Nysa had been perusing her higher studies in Switzerland after finishing her school in Singapore. She has not yet decided about her plans of joining films.
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