Netflix India has announced a new reality series named Social Currency. A statement from the media giant said, “Produced by SOL Production Pvt. Ltd, this first-of-its-kind influencer survival challenge will see 8 social media influencers start afresh to prove their ‘influence’ – online, offline, and interpersonally as well. This is your front-row pass to witness these digital dynamos prove their worth, surpass all expectations, and snatch the spotlight from each other.”
Parth Samthaan, Bhavin Bhanushali, Ruhi Singh, Vagmita Singh, Rowhi Rai, Mridul Madhok, Sakshi Chopra and Aakash Mehta are the eight influencers who will headline the series. “These influencers have dazzled us with their digital charisma, but can they withstand the fierce challenges that await them? Can they prove their mettle all over again? It’s a no-holds-barred fight to the finish, where only the savviest influencers will rise to the top and claim their rightful Social Currency,” said the statement.
Social Currency starts streaming on 22 June on Netflix.
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