Filmmaker Vignesh Shivan has shared the first pictures from his wedding with actor Nayanthara. The two got married at the Sheraton Grand, Mahabalipuram in presence of friends and family. In attendance were stars such as Shah Rukh Khan, Rajinikanth, Suriya and others. (Also read: Nayanthara, Vignesh Shivan wedding live updates: Couple officially married, share their first photo)
Sharing the first pictures from the wedding, Vignesh wrote in his Instagra post, “On a scale of 10 … She’s Nayan & am the one. By God’s Grace 🙂 jus married.” Fans showered the newlyweds with blessings and compliments. “Another beautiful pic,” wrote one. “Happy wedding day Nayan mam & wiki sir,” commented another.
For the ceremony, Nayanthara wore a red dress with heavy jewellery in green stones and diamonds. She tied her hair in a bun and decorated it with flowers. Vignesh wore a beige outfit. Both their outfits were from Jade by Monica.
The ceremony was attended by Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin, along with cinema personalities, including Mani Ratnam, Atlee, Rajinikanth, Shah Rukh Khan, Chiranjeevi, Kamal Haasan, and Samantha Ruth Prabhu.
Earlier in the day, Shivan (36) penned a heartfelt Instagram note for Nayanthara (37), his ‘Thangamey’ (beloved), a term of endearment which draws its inspiration from the title of the song of their first film “Naanum Rowdy Dhaan” (2015).
“Today is June 9th and it’s Nayan’s thanking God, the universe, the Good will from all the lovely human beings who have crossed My life!! Every good soul, every good moment, every good coincidence, every good blessing, everyday at shooting and every prayer that has made life this beautiful!
“I owe it all to the good manifestations & prayers! Now, It’s all dedicated to the love of my life! #Nayanthara! My #Thangamey! Excited to see u walking up the aisle in a few hours! (sic)” the director wrote alongside a picture with Nayanthara.
The pair reportedly dated for nearly seven years before tying the knot.
A top star, Nayanthara has worked across Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam industries in films such as “Chandramukhi”, “Ghajini”, and “Puthiya Niyamam”. Shivan is best known for directing Tamil movies “Thaanaa Serndha Koottam” and “Paava Kadhaigal” (anthology).
Nayanthara is also reported to make her Hindi film debut with Atlee’s “Jawan”, fronted by Shah Rukh Khan.
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