The granddaughter of veteran actor Amitabh Bachchan, Navya Naveli Nanda shared beautiful throwback pictures to wish actor-uncle Abhishek Bachchan on his birthday. Abhishek turned 47 on Sunday. Navya took to Instagram Stories, and shared a collage featuring happy moments of hers with ‘mamu’ Abhishek. She was all smiles she posed with him from her childhood days. She called him ‘the best’ and sent loads of ‘love’ to mark the occasion. (Also read: Navya Nanda reveals how ‘mamu’ Abhishek Bachchan defuses tension between Jaya Bachchan and Shweta Bachchan)
Taking to Instagram Stories, Navya shared a collage of three pictures with Abhishek. In one of them, Navya twinned with him in red and cuddled him. In another picture, Abhishek held baby Navya’s hand at an event. She wore a white ethnic suit with matching hairband while Abhishek sported a black look in blazer and pants. In other picture, Abhishek clicked a sweet selfie with his niece. The two smiled bright as they posed for the camera.
In the end, Navya also posted an unseen photo with Abhishek from his event with many fans in the background, and wrote, “@Bachchan” with heart, cake and party popper emojis. She captioned the collage, “Happy birthday to the best there is! I love you. @bachchan.”
In December, last year, Abhishek wished Navya Naveli on her 25th birthday with a throwback picture featuring himself and his niece and wrote, “Happy birthday to my music partner! Love you @navyananda.”
Navya is the elder child of Shweta Bachchan and her husband- businessman Nikhil Nanda. The couple also has a son named Agastya Nanda. Agastya will make his debut in Bollywood with The Archies alongside Shah Rukh Khan’s daughter Suhana Khan and late actor Sridevi’s daughter Khushi Kapoor. The film is set to release in 2023 on Netflix.
Navya had a podcast, What The Hell Navya, along with grandmother Jaya Bachchan and mom Shweta. The trio spoke about issues women face in society. They also get candid and real in their conversations. The episodes can be found on Navya’s YouTube Channel. In January, she won an award for her podcast at India Audio Summit and Awards 2023.
In one of the episodes, Navya talked about how Abhishek defuses tension at home. Jaya told Navya, “Yesterday you were not there, so you missed out a lot of action on the dining table.” Shweta asked, “What did I do?” Jaya responded, “You didn’t do anything… (we had a discussion) and then mamu (Abhishek Bachchan) started playing music, and was saying, ‘Swetdi (Shweta), play this music for mumma’.”
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