Telugu actor Nani, whose latest release Shyam Singha Roy was a success, recently made a statement in which he said there’s not much unity among Telugu actors. During the promotions of Shyam Singha Roy, Nani said the Telugu industry lacks unity. He also spoke about the ticket pricing issues in Andhra Pradesh.
Nani had said, “We have problems here. And it’d be nice if everyone came out to defend each other. We lack unity. I wish this statement wasn’t true. But we missed sorting the problems together.”
In his latest interview with Siddharth Kannan, Nani clarified his statement and said that it came out of pain. When Siddharth asked Nani if he still stands by his own statement, Nani said, “It came out of pain. It came from a place where I wanted all of them to come together. I wanted all of them to come together on one stage and express it the way it should be expressed. Even people on the side will understand the real problem here. I wanted them to come together for not us. We are all happy but there are thousands of families who are wishing something good happens.”
Nani said that his statement was read out of context by the media and people on social media, “The reason I made that statement was that I wanted everyone to come together as one voice against this issue. So that we are not misunderstood and misquoted by the media.”
Ever since the Andhra Pradesh government had slashed movie ticket prices, the entire film industry has been expressing its displeasure over the move. However, none of the top stars have so far officially reacted on the issue. Nani was the first actor to voice his opinion on the issue.
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Meanwhile, Nani was seen last in the Telugu supernatural thriller Shyam Singha Roy. Directed by Rahul Sankrityan, the film also featured Sai Pallavi, Krithi Shetty and Madonna Sebastian.
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