Actor Nandish Singh Sandhu experienced the biggest high of his career so far with the success of web show Jubilee, but at the same time, he witnessed an irreplaceable loss in his personal life. The actor’s younger brother, Onkar Singh Sandhu lost his battle to cancer while Nandish was busy with promotions of Jubilee.
Calling it the “biggest loss of life”, Nandish , says, “He was the closest to me in the family. We grew up together in Rajasthan. He was not even a brother but a baby to me. I used to treat him like my baby, though he was four and a half years younger to me.”
Despite the unbearable pain he was feeling to see his brother struggling, Nandish never allowed challenges in his personal life to overshadow his work commitments. “Apart from my responsibility towards the project (Jubilee), I think it was his wish. He always wanted good things for me. He always said, ‘Bhaiyya, whatever happens, work is the biggest thing. You should never compromise on that, no matter what the situation is.’ The conversations we used to always have, even while he was not well, were always about what is going on with me. He wanted to watch Jubilee but couldn’t even complete the first episode because of his deteriorating health,” shares Nandish.
While Onkar knew that he was on death bed, he would still care for his brother’s well-being. “He knew he was going and he doesn’t have too much time in hand. But, he kept telling me that good things are going to happen. So, I knew that if I was not true to my work after he left he wouldn’t be at peace. This was absolutely for him. Today, where ever he is, he is going to be the happiest to see me work,” the Undekhi 2 actor tells us.
Having gone through the pain of losing his brother, Nandish is now trying to focus on work and do more to make his late brother proud. “I wanted him to see the complete show and be there to see all the appreciation coming for it. But unfortunately, he is not there. So that void is always going to be there. When one of the best shows of my life happened, he’s not there to see the all the appreciation and all the success,” he ends.
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