Mira Rajput shared a series of pictures from a wedding on her Instagram Stories on Saturday. She also posted a video of herself posing for the camera. In the photos shared by her, she was seen posing with her sisters- Priya Rajput Tulshan, Noorjehan Rajput Wadhwani and her mother Bela Rajput. Read More: Inside Shahid Kapoor’s 41st birthday bash: Mira Rajput poses with Ishaan Khatter’s GF Ananya Panday. home gets decked up
Sharing a video of herself Mira wrote, “When you think it’s a photo but it’s a video. Trust the sister to do this.” In the video, Mira was seen wearing a pink floral saree along with sunglasses.
One fan complimented Mira, “You look absolutely gorgeous and flawless in saree.” Another one called her a “beautiful woman.” A fan also said that her look was “utterly charming.”
The wedding pictures are from Mira’s cousin Karan Narain’s wedding, which took place in Haryana’s Narwana.
On Friday, Mira hosted an intimate birthday bash for her husband Shahid Kapoor’s at their residence and shared several photos from the celebration on Instagram. Shahid’s brother Ishaan Khatter and his girlfriend Ananya Panday were also a part of the birthday celebration.
Mira shared Shahid and her photos on Instagram while wishing him on his birthday. Along with the pictures, Mira shared a romantic note for the actor, calling him her “life.” She wrote, “Happy Birthday life. May you get the best of everything because you are the best. Best dad, best friend, best husband, best sage.” She concluded her note by saying “I love you,” and also added the hashtags, “#mineforever #birthdaybumps.”
Read More: Shahid Kapoor’s birthday: Mira Rajput posts loved-up pic with ‘best husband’, chills with Ananya Panday, Ishaan Khatter
Shahid and Mira tied the knot in 2015 and welcomed daughter Misha in 2016. They became parents to son Zain in 2018. Last year, the family had travelled to the Maldives and also posted pictures on Instagram.
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