Mira Rajput, wife of actor Shahid Kapoor, on Wednesday gave her fans a glimpse at how her holiday starts with their children–Misha and Zain, and how it ends. Taking to Instagram Reels, Mira shared a video showing that her vacation time begins outdoors with chic outfits. However, it comes to a close with pyjamas in bed.
As the video started, Mira Rajput wore a purple outfit with matching shoes and a green handbag. She was next dressed in a denim jacket, black pants and sunglasses. In both the outfits she was seen outdoors and the video was seemingly taken during the family’s recent Dubai trip.
Next, Mira was seen walking inside a mall, dress in a black and white outfit and a hat. As the video ended, Mira walked into the bedroom dressed in a light blue puffer jacket paired with white trousers and flopped in the bed. At the start of the clip, “How a holiday with kids begins” was written on the screen. It ended with, “How a holiday with kids ends.”
Sharing the video, Mira captioned it, “Holiday + Kids =? While we’re all back to virtually holidaying and zoom parties, I couldn’t help but remember the zillion and one mixed feelings I had while travelling with my kids. It’s great 1-1 bonding time, we get to indulge in long lazy breakfasts together with no rules, a lot of pool time and doing kiddie activities in various places together and seeing their faces light up. The kid in me just comes alive and I have so much fun doing all those things with them.”
“But. It’s a tough business. For kids below a certain age, they can feel overwhelmed which starts a dominos effect on the entire trip, it also requires a lot of planning in advance, food stops, and patience for unexpected changes in plans. It also calls for crazy packing (which you know I dislike anyway) and even with lists just gets tedious,” she continued.
Mira concluded, “I’m also so tired towards the evening that as much as I want to go out I struggle to put some heels on. I much preferred a destination like the Maldives which has a relaxed pace and not too many things to check off the FOMO list. Crazy with, crazier without I guess? What do you guys think?………#travelwithkids #travelgram #reelsindia.” In the video, singer BoA’s track Woman played in the backgroud.
Also Read | Mira Rajput gorges on delicious chilli paneer, noodles. Shares pic of Chin-jabi meal
Last year, Mira and Shahid travelled to Maldives and Dubai and enjoyed a vacation with their children–daughter Misha and son Zain. The couple shared pictures and videos, giving their fans a peek inside their stay there.
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