Amid countdown to the release of Shah Rukh Khan’s comeback film Pathaan, the actor’s fan page has shared an edited teaser of the film. Here, the Minions have replaced Shah Rukh Khan and other cast members in line with the audio of the actual film teaser. And fans can’t stop laughing over the hilarious edit. Also read: Pathaan: Here’s what Shah Rukh Khan feels about comeback after four years, working with Deepika Padukone again
Minions featured in the film Despicable Me and its sequels. The funny video opens with two minion cops talking about the whereabouts of Pathaan, followed by the minion Stuart, who is seen mouthing SRK’s lines “zinda hai (is alive)” while doing weightlifting in a prisoner’s outfit. Skarlet Overkill takes up Deepika Padukone’s role in the video which also shows Pathaan taking on the villain in the boxing ring.
A fan commented on the video, “Looool I think I got my cardio done laughing !! Too good! Can we have more!!!” Another wrote, “ OhmyGOD!! this is hilarious..excellent.” One more comment read, “Please stop. I can’t (laughing emojis).” A viewer also said Shah Rukh Khan’s youngest child, AbRam would love it. He wrote, “It is so so cute, Abram will definitely love this.” A person also asked, “Who is Pathaan Stuart, Kevin, Bob?” Many others called it, “perfect and adorable.”
Directed by Siddharth Anand of War fame, Pathaan brings back the hit pairing of Shah Rukh and Deepika. John Abraham plays the antagonist in the film. It is set to release in theatres on January 25. The Pathaan teaser released on Shah Rukh’s 57th birthday on November 2.
Shah Rukh sports shoulder-length hair in Pathaan and has performed some gravity-defying action scenes. Deepika and John also have a lot of action scenes in the film. It marks Shah Rukh’s return to the silver screen after four years.
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