Microsoft Surface Laptop 4 has been launched in India after being introduced last month. It comes in two variants: 13.5-inch and 15-inch models and will be available in both AMD and Intel processors with up to AMD Ryzen 7 4000 series with AMD Radeon Graphics and 11th gen Intel Core i7 and the latest Iris Xe graphics. The notebooks come with tone-on-tone Alcantara and an all-metal design. The Surface Laptop 4 offers a 3:2 PixelSense touchscreen display, a built-in HD front-facing camera, Dolby Atmos Omnisonic speakers, and the 13.5-inch AMD Ryzen models are claimed to last up to 19 hours of battery life. Microsoft Surface Laptop 4 will be available in both consumer and commercial SKU models.
Microsoft Surface Laptop 4 price
Microsoft Surface Laptop 4 will be available through local commercial resellers, retail stores, and The company is offering no-cost EMI for up to nine months for consumer SKU models.
CPU (Consumer) | RAM/Storage | Price |
13.5-inch AMD Ryzen 5 4680U | 8GB+256GB | Rs 102,999 |
15-inch AMD Ryzen 7 4980U | 8GB+256GB | Rs 134,999 |
13.5-inch Intel Core i5-1135G7 | 16GB+512GB | Rs 151,999 |
CPU (Commercial) | RAM/Storage | Price |
13.5-inch AMD Ryzen 5 4680U | 8GB/256GB | Rs 105,499 |
13.5-inch Intel Core i5-1135G7 | 8GB/256GB | Rs 115,499 |
13.5-inch AMD Ryzen 5 4680U | 16GB/256GB | Rs 122,499 |
13.5-inch Intel Core i5-1135G7 | 8GB/512GB | Rs 132,499 |
15-inch AMD Ryzen 7 4980U | 8GB/256GB | Rs 134,999 |
15-inch Intel Core i7-1185G7 | 8GB/256GB | Rs 143,499 |
13.5-inch Intel Core i5-1135G7 | 8GB/512GB | Rs 151,499 |
13.5-inch Intel Core i7-1185G7 | 16GB/256GB | Rs 151,499 |
15-inch Intel Core i7-1185G7 | 8GB/512GB | Rs 160,499 |
15-inch Intel Core i7-1185G7 | 16GB/256GB | Rs 160,499 |
13.5-inch AMD Ryzen 7 4980U | 16GB/512GB | Rs 161,499 |
13.5-inch Intel Core i7-1185G7 | 16GB/512GB | Rs 163,499 |
15-inch AMD Ryzen 7 4980U | 16GB/512GB | Rs 169,499 |
13.5-inch Intel Core i7-1185G7 | 16GB/512GB | Rz 177,499 |
Microsoft Surface Laptop 4 specifications
Microsoft Surface Laptop 4 comes in two variants: 13.5 and a 15-inch PixelSense display with 10 points multi-touch display and 3:2 aspect ratio. The laptop can be configured with up to 11th Gen Intel Core i7 1185G7 processor with Intel Iris X graphics or up to AMD Ryzen 7 4980U Mobile Processor with Radeon Graphics Microsoft Surface Edition (6 cores). It packs up to 16GB LPDDR4X RAM and 512GB removable SSD storage. It has a 720p f/2.0 HD front-facing camera for video chats, 3.5mm audio jack, dual far-field Studio Mics, and Omnisonic speakers with Dolby Atmos.
The Microsoft Surface Laptop 4 features a TPM 2.0 chip for enterprise security and BitLocker support, a Dual far-ambient light sensor, and Windows Hello face sign-in. The notebooks pack a 47W battery and connectivity options include Wi-Fi 802.11 ax, Bluetooth 5.0 LE, a single USB-C, a single USB Type-A, and Surface Connect. The 13.5-inch model with AMD Ryzen packs up to 19h battery and up to 17.5 hours on the 15-inch model with AMD Ryzen. The 13.5-inch model with Intel Core processor is claimed to offer up to 17 hours and 16.5 hours on the 15-inch Intel model.
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