Matthew Lawrence, famous for his role in the popular sitcom “Boy Meets World,” has recently come forward with shocking allegations of sexual harassment in Hollywood. According to the actor, he was propositioned by an Oscar-winning director for a role in an upcoming Marvel film but was subsequently fired from his agency after refusing to strip for the director.
In a recent episode of his podcast “Brotherly Love,” Lawrence expressed his support for the #MeToo movement and revealed that he had been propositioned by directors, both men, and women, for major roles in various films. He claimed that he had lost his agency after refusing to comply with the demands of a prominent Oscar-winning director who had asked him to take his clothes off and pose for Polaroids.
According to Lawrence, the director promised him a role in an upcoming Marvel film if he complied with his demands. Although Lawrence did not reveal the name or location of the director, he claimed that he was not the only man this had happened to and that many of his friends had been through similar situations.
Lawrence cited the example of Terry Crews, who claimed he was groped by a WME agent at a party in 2016. Lawrence said that people did not believe Crews and that he was not supported in the same way that women who come forward with similar allegations are.
“They kick him out. Why? Because he’s a man that represents masculinity, and I think our society is less ready to hear that situation going on with men than they are with women,” Lawrence said.
It remains to be seen whether any action will be taken against the director in question, but Lawrence’s allegations are a stark reminder that sexual harassment is a serious issue that affects people of all genders, races, and backgrounds.
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