Actor turned politician Manoj Tiwari took to Instagram and shared happy moments from his wife Surabhi Tiwari’s Godh Bharai ceremony. He will become father for the third time at the age of 51. Many fans reacted to this good news with warm messages in the comment section. (Also read: Inside Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover’s pretty, pastel baby shower filled with hugs, kisses, dancing celebs. Watch)
Taking to Instagram, Manoj shared baby shower video featuring floral decoration specifically with yellow and orange flowers. Manoj wore a beige kurta set. His wife Surabhi wore a red floral outfit with matching jewellery. Their daughter wore a red-coloured outfit to mark the occasion. A host of guests marked their presence for the ceremony. They extended warm wishes to the couple for embracing parenthood. In the clip, Manoj held his daughter and kissed on her forehead out of love. His daughter also played with rose petals and sat with her mother on a decorated jhula.
Sharing the video on Instagram, Manoj wrote, “You cannot express some happiness in words, you can only feel it (smiling and evil eye amulet).” Actor Akshara Singh wrote, “ye khushiyan hamesha barkarar rahe (I hope these happiness last for long).” Ex Bigg Boss contestant Deepak Thakur commented, “waah (wow) bhagwan hamesha apni blessings dete rhey (May God bless you always) Bhaiya-Bhabhi dono ko apaar shubhkamnaye (Loads of blessings to brother and sister-in-law).” Music composer Vishal Mishra wrote, “Congratulations (three red heart emojis).”
Reacting to the video, one of Manoj’s fans wrote, “Only love! Congratulations to this beautiful couple!” Another fan commented, “Congratulations, you both deserve the world.” Other fan wrote, “@surabhitiwari_you look beautiful.” One fan also wrote, “Stay blessed always.” Many fans extended warm wishes to the couple and dropped heart emojis.
Surabhi is Manoj Tiwari’s second wife and were blessed with a daughter in 2020. Manoj earlier tied knot with Rani Tiwari in 1999 and together, they have a daughter named Rhiti. Manoj and Rani decided to separate in 2012. Manoj participated in Salman Khan’s reality show Bigg Boss season four alongside Dolly Bindra and Shweta Tiwari.
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