Manoj Bajpayee has taken a sigh of relief after the digital release of his film Gali Guleiyan. The actor has now revealed that he was about to lose his mental stability while prepping for his role, so much so that he had to stop the shoot for some time. The film is a psychological drama and is now streaming on Amazon Prime. Also read: Manoj Bajpayee says pics from Gali Guleiyan sets send shivers down his spine
Sharing a poster of Gali Guleiyan on Instagram, Manoj wrote on Friday, “Out now. I was on the verge of losing my mental stability while preparing for this role, so much so that I had to stop shooting. Gali Guleiyan, one of the most challenging and rewarding roles I have ever played, is finally Out on Amazon Prime.”
Calling the film release in India a challenge, he further wrote, “The film has travelled the world through national and international film festivals and won many accolades. However, I wanted the film made available to the audience of my country, but getting this done has been a fight, and it has finally come to fruition. I can’t tell you how thrilled and excited I am to share this with all of you, and I hope you will also love this film. Dipesh Jain, writer, director & producer of the film, has been outstanding in leading this project. Congratulations to the cast and crew of the film; they have been exceptional in delivering this masterpiece.”
Manoj had earlier shared two pictures from the sets of the film and called the role his “Mt Everest” as an actor. He was seen in a dishevelled look in a narrow lane of Delhi. He wrote about it on Instagram, “Looking back at these pictures sends shivers down my spine. This role was my Everest as an actor.”
Gali Guleiyan is directed and produced by Dipesh Jain. It is about a man (Manoj Bajpayee) trapped within the walls and alleys of Old Delhi and his own mind and how he attempts to break free to find a human connection. It is titled In The Shadows in English and also stars Ranvir Shorey, Neeraj Kabi and Shahana Goswami in pivotal roles.
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