Filmmaker Mani Ratnam, speaking at a promotional event in Hyderabad on Sunday, thanked director SS Rajamouli and said that if he had not made Baahubali and that too in two parts, there would be no Ponniyin Selvan. He said that it was Baahubali that created the path for Ponniyin Selvan to be made into two parts. Also read: Mani Ratnam on why he didn’t make Ponniyin Selvan as web series: ‘Even if I wanted to, who would’ve given me the dates?’
Ponniyin Selvan 2, the second part in the franchise, is set to release in theatres on April 28. The team was in Hyderabad on Sunday as part of their promotional tour.
Director Mani Ratnam, who wasn’t part of the promotional tour so far in other cities, made a rare appearance in Hyderabad. Speaking on the occasion, he explained how Baahubali paved the way for Ponniyin Selvan films to be made. “I’d like to thank Subaskaran (producer) sir first. Sir, because of you, Ponniyin Selvan was possible. I’ve said this before and I’m saying this again. I want to thank Rajamouli. If Baahubali was not made. And not made in two parts. Ponniyin Selvan would not have been made. So we owe him a big thanks,” Ratnam said.
He further added, “I’ve called him, met him and told him this. And I want to say here that it created the path for me to be able to mount Ponniyin Selvan in two parts. It gave confidence to the entire industry to do historical (projects) and he opened a huge passage for a lot of Indian history to be converted into films.”
Reacting to the clip, several people said it’s a proud feeling for every Telugu audience. One user wrote: “Proud feeling. Some kind of unexplainable happiness (sic).” Another user wrote: “SS Rajamouli deserves this much appreciation (sic).”
After two unsuccessful attempts, Mani Ratnam finally succeeded in making Ponniyin Selvan. In 1994 and 2011, he attempted to make Ponniyin Selvan but both times the project didn’t take off as planned.
The film features Jayam Ravi in the role of prince Arulmozhivarman while Vikram, Karthi, Trisha and Aishwarya Rai play key roles. The first part grossed over ₹500 crore globally and emerged as the highest grossing film ever in Tamil Nadu.
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