Actor Mahesh Babu, his wife Namrata Shirodkar and their daughter Sitara Ghattamaneni shared posts paying their respects to his mother Indira Devi. Taking to Instagram, Mahesh posted an old black and white picture of his mother. (Also Read | Mahesh Babu performs mom Indira Devi’s last rites, consoles Sitara as she cries)
In the photo, she wore a saree and looked at the camera. Though Mahesh didn’t caption the post, he added a bunch of black heart emojis. Reacting to the post, Shilpa Shirodkar posted baby angel emojis. Sai Kiran wrote, “Om Shanthi. Deep condolences anna.”
Namrata Shirodkar also shared a recent picture of her mother-in-law on Instagram. She captioned the post, “We will miss you deeply… You’re in my memory and all the love you gave me. I will shower on your son and your grandchildren and more…We love you, mummy…Sending you endless love and light.”
Reacting to the post, Nandita Mahtani commented, “So sorry for your loss.” Shilpa said, “Rest In Peace Aunty, will always remember you and your kindness.” Maheep Kapoor and Seema Kiran Sajdeh posted folded hands and red heart emojis.
Sitara also remembered her grandmother with an Instagram post. She shared a recent picture featuring herself along with her grandma and brother Gautham Ghattamaneni. She wrote, “I will miss you so much Nainamma. Wish you’d come back… (pensive face and broken heart emojis).”
Fans also offered their condolences reacting to their posts. A person said, “So sorry for your loss dear Namo, my heartfelt condolences to your family and you. May Her Soul Rest in Eternal Peace.” A fan commented, “She will stay forever in the hearts of her loved ones. She is a proud mother for having such a loving son and family. Could see how much Sitara loves her grandmother.”
A comment read, “Pls stay strong ma..and also take care of @urstrulymahesh Nanna…and fam! Now you are his Amma too! Another responsibility is added to you Queen ..! Let’s all together pray for Indira Mummy and let her soul rest in peace! We would overcome this and we all would be with you all FOREVER!”
After a prolonged illness, Indira Devi died at the age of 70. She was the wife of actor Krishna. Earlier she was hospitalised in Hyderabad. Mahesh Babu performed the last rites of his mother on Wednesday.
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