Actor Madhuri Dixit might be one of the first celebrities from Bollywood to meet Apple CEO Tim Cook in Mumbai. He landed on Monday for the first launch of a store in Mumbai’s Jio World Drive Mall owned by the Ambanis. Ahead of his busy itinerary in India, he caught up with Madhuri for his first vada pao, a speciality of the city. Also read: Madhuri Dixit reunites with Shah Rukh Khan at NMACC
Madhuri posted a photo from her meeting with Tim. In the photo, the two were seen enjoying scrumptious vada pao and laughing. While Madhuri wore a pink kurta, Tim opted for a simple look in a white T-shirt. The picture is clicked at Mumbai’s famous Swati Snacks.
Their candid moment in the photo was captioned by the actor as, “Can’t think of a better welcome to Mumbai than Vada Pav!” Responding to Madhuri, Tim who is vegetarian, added on Twitter, “Thanks @madhuridixit for introducing me to my very first Vada Pav — it was delicious!”
Earlier in the day, Tim was seen visiting the Ambani family at their house, Antilla. He was snapped by the paparazzi while leaving the building. Mukesh Ambani’s son Akash Ambani was seen at the gate while dropping him off.
Meanwhile, Tim had tweeted upon reaching India, “Hello, Mumbai! We can’t wait to welcome our customers to the new Apple BKC tomorrow.” After wrapping up his commitments in the city, he will reportedly be heading to Delhi where he will be unveiling another store in Saket on Thursday. While it’s still not clear, he might also meet PM Narendra Modi on Wednesday. Besides the PM, he will be reportedly meeting the Minister of State for IT Rajeev Chandrasekhar as well.
According to ANI, Apple’s Mumbai store will open at 11 am on Tuesday while Apple Delhi outlet will open for customers at 10 am. Tim launched the first Apple online store in India in 2020 and was supposed to launch its physical stores soon. However, those plans were stalled due to the Covid-19 outbreak.
Madhuri was last seen in the Prime Video film Maja Ma in 2022. She is yet to announce her next project. She was last seen attending the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre (NMACC) event in the city.
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